Welcome to Reception
We are really impressed with how well the children have settled in to their new classroom environment and daily routines. They have been busy building new relationships and exploring the inside and outside classrooms.
In the first term at school the adults will be observing the children, for baseline assessments, finding out their interests and what kind of learners the children are. These will then be used to form our curriculum and set up experiences for the children to develop skills in all areas of learning.
This page will be regularly updated with any information that you may need throughout the school year. Please ensure your child brings in their coloured wallet to school with their reading book every day so we can hear your child and add any messages. We will also be updating Tapestry with all the exciting activities and learning experiences the children are doing. Please feel free to comment and share any home learning or experiences that your child is doing this will help us to build up a holistic picture of your child. Our PE day is on a Thursday am and Wednesday pm so please ensure your child has the correct kit at school and all jewellery is removed.
You can also keep up to date with our learning by looking through our photographs of activities that the children have taken part in.
Useful Documents
Reception-Curriculum-24/25 (ID 1041)
Expressive Arts and Design
Expressive Arts and Design
There will be opportunities for me to:
Join in with dancing and ring games.
Sing a few familiar songs.
Begin to move rhythmically.
Use various construction materials.
Begin to construct for different purposes and thinking creatively.
I will be:
Exploring different materials and textures
Using imagination in art and design
Exploring colour, texture, shape and form when painting.
Using my senses to explore and experiment
Working creatively in small and large scales
Exploring with mixing colours
I will be learning to:
Listen to rhymes and joining in rhythmic activities, learning about alliteration/rhyme.
Join in with stories and poems on a one-to-one and in small groups.
Recognise and write my name.
Understand different sounds that letters make (phonics)
Blend sounds together to make simple words.
Physical Development
Physical Development
There will be opportunities for me to:
Run skillfully to negotiate space successfully, adjusting speed or direction to avoid obstacles
Hold a pencil between my thumb and two fingers, no longer using whole-hand grasp.
Catch a large ball and throw to a target with increasing accuracy.
Copy some letters, e.g. letters from my name and begins to form recognisable letters.
Manage washing and drying hands/ dresses with some help.
Show a preference for a dominant hand when mark making.
I will be:
Playing ring games
Using tools safely
Moving with control and co-ordination over, under, through various small apparatus.
Using a range of small and large equipment.
Using a range of malleable materials in my play.
Learning to put on an apron
Learning how to use scissors correctly
There will be opportunities for me to:
Run skillfully to negotiate space successfully, adjusting speed or
direction to avoid obstacles
Hold a pencil between my thumb and two fingers, no longer using
whole-hand grasp.
Catch a large ball and throw to a target with increasing accuracy.
Copy some letters, e.g. letters from my name and begins to form recognisable letters.
Manage washing and drying hands/ dresses with some help.
Show a preference for a dominant hand when mark making.
Understanding of the World
Understanding of the World
There will be opportunities for me to:
Explore the outdoor environment, Peace garden, field, and nature areas and local church
Talk about past and present experiences and relate them to my learning
Talk about what they see around them
I will be learning about:
The local church and the Catholic family
My family and God’s family
Our daily prayers
God made our beautiful world and everything in it.
I will be learning to:
Match and sort different objects
Compare amounts
Use mathematical language
Make simple patterns
Listening to number songs
Counting forwards and backwards to 10
Personal and Social Development
Personal and Social Development
There will be opportunities for me to:
Play in a group, extending and elaborating my play ideas, e.g. building up a role-play activity with other children.
Select and use activities and resources with help.
Be aware of my own feelings, and know that some actions and words can hurt others’ feelings.
Understand and learn how to accept the needs of others and take turns, share resources, sometimes with support from others.
Develop confidence to speak to others about my own needs, wants, interests and opinions.
I will be:
Creating class rules with my friends.
Participating in turn taking games
Trying out new activities independently
and select resources independently.
Learning routines of the school day
Learning to think about the feelings
of others
Learning and talking about my family
and other people who are important to me
Communication and Language
Communication and Language
There will be opportunities for me to:
Listen to others one to one or in small groups, when conversation interests me.
Listen to stories with increasing attention and recall.
Follow directions and respond to instructions
I will be learning to:
Develop conversations with adults and my peers
Join in with songs and rhymes
Listen to friends and wait for my turn to talk
Ask questions
Use simple sentences
Our Class Galleries
Reception - Maths - Matching and Sorting