This page will be regularly updated with any information that you may need throughout the school year, it is a chance to catch up with any exciting things we are doing in class.
Please remember that the class wallets are the best form of communication and they are checked daily or email the office directly.
(email: or phone: 01376 320440).
Please make sure your child reads aloud to an adult daily and record this on the 'Boom Reader' app. This is so important for their journey to become an effective reader. Please read and share other types of books with them. Your child will also regularly choose library books to bring home and share with you. Your child will also be reading shared texts in class daily and also read to an adult regularly and you will see these on the Boom Reader app.
This is an app that helps your child to develop a fluency in number facts. They will earn certificates in assembly when they move through the levels.
Your child will have daily phonics using our wonderful programme of 'Sounds write'. Please download the Sounds Write app to help your children with their phonics and reading journey at home.
PE days are Thursday and Friday so please ensure that your child has the appropriate clothing for these days. Earrings must be removed and long hair tied back.
Any homework will be set on Seesaw.
Open door Friday.
Remember open door Friday! Please come in and have a look at your children's work and share with them the amazing ideas and all the hard work they have put in throughout the year.
We look forward to a wonderful year of learning ahead!
Miss Wilson, Mrs Fox, Mrs Chopping, Mrs Fairbank & Mrs McMullen
Year 2 Curriculum
Religious Studies
Religious Studies
We continue to pray each day in our class daily prayer and class worship. We will also be exploring domestic church, family and beginnings, baptism / confirmation, belonging, signs and symbols, Advent / Christmas, loving and preparing.
The first unit that we will be covering is Place Value including numbers to 100 and counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. Our second unit is Addition and Subtraction, we will be using 2 digit numbers crossing the ten. We are also completing a third unit on 2D and 3D shape, focusing on sides, vertices, faces, edges, lines of symmetry and patterns. Within this work we will be focussing on reasoning- the glue that holds mathematical concepts and ideas together- and the use of stem sentences so children are able to communicate their ideas with precision and clarity. The children will have the opportunity to draw, solve, explain and use their knowledge to dive deeper into their understanding.
This term we will be focussing on sentence writing. We will be writing different types of sentences– statements, questions, commands and explanations. We will be writing for different purposes including narratives to entertain, letters to persuade and recounts to inform. We will be making sure that we are using correct punctuation including capital letters, full stops, commas and apostrophes. We will be using lots of lovely books to help us– such as 'Pip and Egg' and 'The Colour Monster' plus the use of videos from Literacy Shed. Our Big Writes are totally independent in Year 2.
In science we will be studying two topics this term: Animals including humans and Materials. We will be looking at how humans stay healthy and the life cycles of insects, amphibians and mammals. There will be opportunities for discussion, practical activities and observation to help unlock the children's curiosity. The children will be starting to understand how to carry out a fair test in an extension to the materials topic covered in year 1.
Physical Education
Physical Education
Thursday- Invasion games with Colchester United
(First half term) = Friday - Dance
(Second half term) = Monday - Gymnastics
This term our ICT lessons are all about computing systems and networks - IT all around us and keeping safe online.
We will be looking at where significant nurses of the past; Florence Nightingale, Edith Cavell and Mary Seacole; lived, worked and travelled to.
This term we will be learning about the lives of significant individuals linked to nursing. We will be learning about hospitals past and present– especially the work of Florence Nightingale, Edith Cavell and Mary Seacole We will then look at the history of toys and how they have changed in living memory.
Art and Design
Art and Design
The class will be focusing on developing their ability to tell a story through drawing. They will have lessons on creating textures, observational drawing, character expression, and storytelling through illustrations, enhancing pupils' mark-making techniques, observational skills, and imagination in art.
In the first half term we will be exploring a unit of work all about pulse rhythm and pitch. Music has a pulse, a steady beat. Music is also made up of long and short and high and low sounds, called ‘rhythm’ and ‘pitch’. These elements combine when we sing and play. As we listen to, sing, play and dance to the music in this unit, we will explore these elements of music and how they work together. Singing and listening are at the heart of each lesson. We will also play, improvise and compose using a selection of these notes: C, D, E, F, G, A
In the second half term we will be exploring a unit of work all about playing in an orchestra. Playing together is a very important part of learning music. We will learn that there are many ensembles, bands and groups you can play in. One of these groups is an orchestra. This unit features the orchestra. We will also play, improvise and compose using a selection of these notes: C, D, E, F, G, A, B♭, B
We will be learning about birthdays, greetings, colours, how to count to 10 and singing the Frere Jacques song.
Design Technology
Design Technology
We will be learning how to use the correct terms for levers, linkages and pivots. We will look at popular toys and use the correct vocabulary. We will learn about input and output motions. We will design monsters suitable for other children to play with. Then we will evaluate our designs against the design criteria, using this information and the feedback of our friends to choose our best design. After that we will select and assemble materials to create our planned monster features. Finally we will assemble the monster to our linkages without affecting their functionality.
Our Photo Galleries
No image galleries are currently available.