This page will be regularly updated with any information that you may need throughout the school year, it is a chance to catch up with any exciting things we are doing in class.
Please remember that the class wallets are the best form of communication and they are checked daily or email the office directly.
(email: or phone: 01376 320440).
Please make sure your child reads aloud to an adult daily and record this on the 'Boom Reader' app. This is so important for their journey to become an effective reader. Please read and share other types of books with them. Your child will also regularly choose library books to bring home and share with you. Your child will also be reading shared texts in class daily and also read to an adult regularly and you will see these on the Boom Reader app.
This is an app that helps your child to develop a fluency in number facts. They will earn certificates in assembly when they move through the levels.
Your child will have daily phonics using our wonderful programme of 'Sounds write'. Please download the Sounds Write app to help your children with their phonics and reading journey at home.
PE days are Thursday and Friday so please ensure that your child has the appropriate clothing for these days. Earrings must be removed and long hair tied back.
Any homework will be set on Seesaw.
Open door Friday.
Remember open door Friday! Please come in and have a look at your children's work and share with them the amazing ideas and all the hard work they have put in throughout the year.
We look forward to a wonderful year of learning ahead!
Miss Wilson, Mrs Fox, Mrs Chopping, Mrs Fairbank & Mrs McMullen
Year 2 Curriculum
Religious Studies
Religious Studies
We continue to pray each day in our class daily prayer and class worship. We will also be exploring how messages can be sent and how the disciples spread the good news. We are going to learn about rules and how they affect us in day to day life and how our Faith helps us make good choices. We will also be learning about other faiths including Islam and how there are similar and different to our own.
The children will have the opportunity to draw, solve, explain and use their knowledge to dive deeper into their understanding. The topics that we will be covering are fractions, position and direction, time and measures—mass, capacity and temperature. Within this work we will be focussing on reasoning- the glue that holds mathematical concepts and ideas together- and the use of STEM sentences so children are able to communicate their ideas with precision and clarity. We will also be consolidating knowledge on place value and the four number operations.
This term we will be focussing on non chronological reports and poetry. We will be writing for different purposes including reports to inform and explain, poetry to rhyme and poetry to make you laugh. We will be making sure that we are using correct punctuation including capital letters, full stops, commas and apostrophes.
We will be using lots of lovely books to help us including: Pirates, The Desk Diddler by Michael Rosen, If I were in Charge of the World, Flat Stanley (postcards) and The Mousehole Cat (A traditional tale set in Cornwall), The boy who grew dragons, Meerkat Diaries and many more. Our focus on reading will continue with allowing the children to have more time in choosing book for pleasure. We will have weekly library time, where the children can choose any books they wish and bring back whenever they have completed them.
In science we will be studying one topic this term: Animals and their habitats. There will be opportunities for discussion, practical activities and observation to help unlock the childrens' curiosity. The children will be starting to understand how to carry out a fair test. As part of this topic Year 2 will be taking part in the Kew Gardens' completion Endeavour Big Question 'What Can You do to Help Land Animals?'. We will also be continuing to grow our own plants and watching the transformation of caterpillars and tadpoles.
Physical Education
Physical Education
Thursday- Multi skills with Colchester United
Friday—Tennis and athletics
This term we will focus on tennis skills and the physical literacy needed to perform those skills.
This term it is all about the use of technology in the world around us. In particular we are looking at digital photography -taking photographs, what makes a good photo, effects used on pictures- and digital music using Chrome Music Lab.
This term is both history and geography based under the topic of 'The Seaside.' We will be looking at sea sides past and present, where are sea sides, features of sea sides and the exploration of sea sides. We will also link the habitat of the sea to science and the Endeavour Big Question.
Art and Design
Art and Design
The class will be doing their own project with printing and drawing with a focus on habitats and nature.
We will be exploring a range of different songs and using the glockenspiels. We will also be learning sea shanties and lots of other fun songs!
We will be learning greetings in French and naming parts of the body in French this term.
Our Photo Galleries
No image galleries are currently available.