Welcome to the fabulous year 4 page
This page will be regularly updated with any information that you may need throughout the school year, it's chance to catch up with any exciting things we are doing in class.
Please remember that the class wallets are the best form of communication and they are checked daily or email the office directly (email: office@st-francis.essex.sch.uk or phone: 01376 320440).
Expectations in Year 4
We allow children to choose books that they enjoy reading. They will have a book from our wonderful school library that they may take home and read, in their own time, for pleasure. We would encourage your child to use the BOOM READER app to log their reading. If you want to hear your child read, please feel free the also log what they read to you. We are encouraging the children to become independent whilst still monitoring their progress. We will have a designated day where we will visit the library to change any books.
We are using our fabulous scheme of SOUNDS WRITE to help continue your child's spelling journey. We will be giving daily spelling lessons and delivering lots of spelling methods to help the children become better with their reading and writing. There will be no 'formal' spelling test each week this year.
TT Rockstars
We will be continuing our TT rockstars programme in year 4 and the children are encouraged to 'play' the app as often as possible to help with the multiplication recall.
Our PE days are Tuesday and Fridays. Please ensure all earrings are removed and that the children have the correct PE uniform, in school, for these days.
We will be sending home a homework sheet that the children can take part in. This is optional but is encouraged that they try and pick some of the activities. It would be beneficial that they could try and do these as independently as possible.
We are very much looking forward to the learning journey ahead! Please do ask any questions if you are unsure of anything and we will be happy to help.
Miss Harmer, Mrs Ford and Mrs Murphy-Banham
Useful Information for School Year 2024 - 2025
The talent I have is not mine. It's on loan from Heaven above. So I practise and polish and use it. And offer it back with my love.
Our-Curriculum-in-Year-4 (ID 1036)
Religious Education
Religious Education
Our topics this term are: People, Called & Gift. We will look at the lives of Jesus’s ancestors such as Abraham and Jacob before looking at the sacrament of Confirmation. We will then prepare for Christmas with our Advent topic about the gift of Jesus at Christmas. There will be plenty of opportunities to take part in class worship sessions and also in Mass during the term.
We will be using a selection of fiction and non fiction books such as The Egyptian Cinderella and The Journey to write narratives, explanation texts, poetry and persuasive pieces. There will be an emphasis on using the correct spelling, grammar and punctuation. Big Write will be completed on a regular basis and will be related to the genre being studied in class.
We will will be looking at place value to 10 000, Roman Numerals to 100, rounding to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000. We will then move onto addition and subtraction of 4 digit numbers using up to two exchanges. Area is next before finally moving onto the first of two units about multiplicationa dn division. The children complete a times table screen in the summer term so we will be practising our times tables on a regular basis.
Art and DT
Art and DT
In Art lessons we will concentrate on drawing skills, exploring line, shape and form. We will study famous artists both historical and contemporary, in particular Roman mosaics and sculpture and the work of Vik Muniz.
In French we will be continuing with our learning of basic phrases to be able to hold a conversation in french. We will be looking at French cities and Francophone countries looking at the weather, food, giving simple directions and clothing.
In Geography out topic is about how we can live more sustainably looking at reclycling, wind power and solar power.
We learn how early civilisation started in Egypt. We will be learning about the Egyptian gods and godesses, the afterlife and mummification, the building of the pyramids and who was the greatest Egyptian pharoah in all of Egyptian history..
Understanding how computers are connected and gaining a basic understanding of the internet. Using presentation software including adding text and graphics, slide transitions and adding links.
We will be looking at a range of musical styles and using this to develop our singing , improvisation, composing and notation skills.
Physical Education
Physical Education
We will be having the fabulous Rachel teach our dance and we will be developing our gymnastics skills in Autumn and Spring term. In the Summer term we will be completing some orienteering activities and becoming better athletes in our Athletics unit. We will continue games lessons with Colchester United on a Tuesday.
In science we are learning about sound and how sounds are made. We will be carrying out investigations on how to change the volume and pitch of sound, what causes sound and how we can insulate sound. Our second topic is all about human nutrition. We will be identifying the parts of the digestive system and teeth in humans and dicussing their basic functions.
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