Useful Links

Useful Links

St Francis Braintree

Welcome to Year 5

This page will be updated throughout the year with galleries showing the children's learning.

Curriculum information (including details of P.E. days) is now accessible by clicking on the appropriate subject image as the bottom of the page.

Reading:  We encourage the children to read widely, so please feel free to read any books at home and log these on Boom Reader, equally children are also encouraged to log their own reading (all children have been given a bookmark to log their reading which will help them in this).

All children* have the opportunity to choose a home/school reading book which can be independently changed as required. They also have the opportunity to choose a library book. (*Some children might still be bringing home a scheme book, but this will be based on an assessed need)

SpellingsOur weekly spelling list is sent via Seesaw, or on a paper copy if requested.

Homework: The termly homework grid is accessible via the pdf link on this page - all homework to be submitted via Seesaw where possible.


Home/School Partnership:

Please remember that the class wallets are the best form of communication as they are checked daily. Alternatively, you can email or phone the office directly - email: or phone: 01376 320440.

You are also most welcome to visit our classroom every Friday after school (3.15-3.30pm), where your child can show you work from the week of which they are particularly proud.


Miss Chapman (class teacher) and Mrs Govey (TA)


Curriculum information and extra links for the School Year 2024-25 can be found below:

Spelling In Year 5 - Extra Information

Y5 Autumn Homework grid 2024

Y5 Spring Homework grid 2025

"One child, one teacher, one book and one pen can change the world."

(Malala Yousafzai)

Year-5-Curriculum-Information (ID 1037)

  • Art and Design
  • Design and Technology
  • English
  • French
  • Geography
  • History
  • Computing
  • Mathematics
  • Music
  • PSHE
  • Religious Education
  • Science
  • P.E