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St Francis Braintree

Year 6

Welcome to Year 6 !

It's an important year for Year 6, with lots of new experiences as they get ready for their transition to a new High School. Before then, they have lots of interesting learning to do together - check out our Autum Curriculum Information.

P.E. - Just a reminder that swimming will take place on Monday afternoons this term and PE will take place every Friday. In the second half of the term the children will have dance with our fabulous instructor Rachel.

Homework - Year 6 have been issued with a series of 10 tasks which they have until the Autumn term to complete. We would suggest that the children choose one task per week and then either hand it in to Mr Jackson or post it on the Seesaw learning platform. Reading is also important and we expect children to read at home at least 3 times a week. They should record this on Boom Reader. 


year 6 homework autumn.pdf


Educational visits - in the Autumn term  we will be visiting the Braintree Museum as part of our topic on Victorians. This exciting trip will take place on  Tuseday 24th September and the children will be actively enocuraged to dress as Victorians!


Curriculum Information

Year-6-Autumn-Curriculum- (ID 1039)

  • Art and Design
  • Computing
  • Design and Technology
  • Geography
  • History
  • Mathematics
  • Music
  • Physical Education
  • PSHE
  • Religious Education
  • Science

Mr Jackson (class teacher)

and Mrs Smith (HLTA)


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Key Stage 2 SATs Revision Websites

 Here are some websites Year 6 pupils might find helpful with KS2 SAT's Revision!

DfE Key Stage 2 Sample Materials
(Please use these as reference materials and to gain an idea of the expectations rather than for testing your children at home, as teachers use these past papers to assess and prepare your children for the SATs)


A glossary of terms used in spelling, punctuation and grammar teaching.

The English area of the Bitesize website is packed with activities and questions to help you prepare for the National Tests in English.


These revision pages have been put together by Woodlands Junior School to help students with their revision. 

Skillswise aims to help adults improve their reading, writing and maths skills. It is targeted at Level 1 of the adult Basic Skills Literacy & Numeracy 
Curriculums for England, Wales and Northern Ireland. 

You might like to try some spelling practise on this BBC spelling site


This site will help with the spelling, grammar and punctuation tests.

Some helpful reading comprehension practise can be completed through this website.

Practise addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Take a visit to Gere's Bike Shop and help them read their graphs and charts. Practise working out the mode, median and mean for a set of numbers. Take a look at time, mass and capacity. Investigate the properties of different shapes. Get your brain ticking with some mental maths questions.


A daily practise to keep those brain cells sharp.


 Website specific to telling the time and time based questions. 

This website covers all the skills the children need in Year 6. Through timed questions, it challenges the children and addresses misconceptions with clear explanations.