Inspection Reports
Please click here to view our most recent Catholic School Inspectorate Report (May 2023)
- The school promotes an atmosphere of welcome where every person is valued as a unique gift from God and where everyone’s gifts and talents are recognised and celebrated.
- Pupils behave exceptionally well; they are extremely respectful and appreciate all the school has to offer.
- The school promotes exemplary partnerships between the school, the parish and the home which make a significant contribution to the spiritual and moral development of the pupils.
- There is a tangible sense of community and inclusion, with parental engagement being a real strength.
- Staff act as excellent role models in promoting the Catholic life of the school.
Please click here to view our most recent Ofsted Inspection Report : (June 2024)
"St Francis is an inclusive school where pupils feel happy."
"They love coming to school and are proud to talk about the values and virtues they learn."
"Pupils feel part of a community where everyone is valued."
"Pupils are safe, and say without hesitation, that they feel safe in school."
Pupils learn a rich and broad curriculum. They achieve well."
"They enjoy reading regularly and love spending time in the school libraries."
"Children in the early years make a positive start to school. The early years curriculum supports children well to develop their learning." "Well-planned activities and high-quality resources actively engage children in their learning."
"Children are naturally curious and highly motivated to learn."
"There are high expectations for behaviour. Staff apply these to make sure that classrooms are productive places for thinking and learning." "Consequently, there is very little disruption to learning in the school."
Ofsted site - Report (June 2024)