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St Francis Braintree


At St Francis, we follow the Virtues to Live By programme which allows the children to explore virtues sourced from the Christian tradition but common to all faiths and cultures.  Learning focuses on a different virtue every three weeks (four in each term) through circle time sessions, whole class discussions and through prayer and worship.  It compliments both our Religious Education and PSHE (including RSE) teaching and is very much part of the Catholic Life of the school.

“Virtues to Live by”

Guiding Principles

To ensure children and young people are given opportunities to:

1. Experience a positive and purposeful ethos providing a sense of belonging to their school community.
2. Grow in their knowledge and understanding of the virtues.
3. Practise the virtues to further the call to live life to the full.
4. Appreciate the connection between biblical and practical wisdom and living.
5. Hear the Christian story and encounter it in practice.
6. Understand their uniqueness and dignity as made in the image and likeness of God.
7. Know that our limitations are also opportunities for growth.
8. To notice, to reflect, to pray and to play
9. To exercise the cognitive, affective and behavioural components of character: know it in your head, feel it in your heart and show it with your hands.

How we explore our virtues

We explore the particular virtue by taking part in circle time sessions and through prayer and collective worship.  We display the signs of living the virtue and the virtue to live by statement in our classrooms and certificates are presented to three children from each class who are displaying that virtue in school.

Certificate Gallery

Virtues to Live By

Virtues to Live By - Overview

Autumn Respect and Courtesy Thankfulness Hope Patience
Spring Faith Simplicity Love and Charity Forgiveness
Summer Resilience Kindness Honesty Service